Sunday, February 6, 2011

Coffee Filters

My friend and I just got together for prayer and accountability. I love her lots and have never been so vulnerable with someone as much as her before. We were talking and blubbering and she made this analogy which I absolutely loved so I'm writing it down and sharing it. (I might have loved it because I have an unhealthy relationship with coffee.)

As Christians we need to line our hearts and daily routines with God. With a coffee filter, all the coffee grinds are surrounded by this liner. Water percolates through the grinds and the filter and out comes a beautifully delicious drink that can be as strong as intended. If there is a tear in the filter or if there is no filter, grinds would fall through into the coffee pot and make it difficult to drink coffee but also overtime, not filtering will change the coffee to become so strong it's overbearing or bitter tasting.

Our lives our are an example of this image. We are given tasks to do at school, work, church, home which are like the coffee grinds. If our hearts are lined with God's heart, He'll surround us, and filter out the daily grinds so that the end result is a beautiful end-product which was what He designed. If our liner has a rip, the grinds fall through, get into the coffee and ruin the taste or make it difficult to consume.

Is my life surrounded by a coffee filter? Am I allowing God to filter my life?

My bro-in-law got this cup of coffee when in
Luxembourg on tour with his orchestra :)

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