Thursday, February 3, 2011


As if we thought the Middle East was already crazy, stuff happened. I can't even keep track of what all is going on because so many countries are having strife: Tunisia, Yemen, Jordan, Egypt. Specifically, my thoughts are prayers are going out to the people in Egypt as the riots have now turned violent.

My family knows a person in Egypt now. This person is a Christian working in an orphanage for Sudanese refugees in the capital. I pray that God will keep this person and the children safe and use this person as a vessel of hope and calm in the craze of these events. I'm sure that things will get ugly if they haven't already with the differences of faith and beliefs.

I'm used to not writing about missionaries in the field overseas because of their safety. Many a times friends have traveled and written in ambiguous and vague language in emails about their whereabouts and doings because of the governments and the safety of Christians in non-Christian nations. It's amazing that although here in the United States we complain that being politically correct means that we can't say things like "Merry Christmas" or witness to others in malls or on public streets and therefore we can't be free to profess our religious beliefs but compared to lots of other places, the freedom we are given to worship God is a beautiful and wonderful privilege. My prayer is that we don't ever take it for granted and we use this freedom in a wise and appropriate way for God's kingdom.

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